Liberty Sunday Rally Successful
Congratulations to everyone who showed up to Sunday's vigil and rally against the radical right. The crowd across the street from the anti-gay "Liberty Sunday" conference was full of life. At the peak of the rally we were 200 strong. There was a candlelight vigil with singing and a few great speakers.
Watch a few short videos from the rally here.
The crowd ranged from young high school students to older
married couples. There were a couple of churches who came out to show their support as well. Most of the rally was very peaceful and laid back.When the "Liberty Sunday" attendees started to file out, things got a bit louder. There was a picket line in front of the church. Tony Perkins, President of the hateful Family Research Council, exited the building with six security guards to protect him. He waved to us as he walked by. We held our signs high and chanted "shameful" as he and other members of the conservative hate groups were escorted out of the
building.I am sure there will be more coverage of the event in the local papers. The Boston LGBT media was there with reporters and photographers. There were plenty of mainstream news reporters and news cameras there as well.The vigil and rally was a success. We got our point across: Massachusetts is No Place for Hate!
It was great to meet you in person Chris! You have my full cooperation in the future for any events you want to promote. Great job getting people together!
I was very proud to stand with all the fine folks who lined Tremont last evening.
As long as our people are willing to stand up and be counted then we can be sure that these fringe groups of nutjobs will not be able to spread their message of hate and division.
To those of you who organized this act of resistance I send my heartfelt appreciation.
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