Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Protect Funding for LGBT Suicide Prevention and Domestic Violence

Please call your Senator today and ask them to support these amendments to the budget.

Line item number 7010-0005: LGBT Youth Suicide Prevention Services - Amendment for $50,000

This program funds suicide prevention programs in the Department of Education. In the most recent survey conducted by the Massachusetts Department of Education, more than 40% of the LGBT youth reported that they had attempted suicide.

Line item number 4513-1130: LGBT Domestic Violence Program - Amendment for $92,000

This program funds the only LGBT-specific domestic violence program in the Commonwealth. LGBT couples have the same rate of domestic violence as heterosexual couples. Currently, this line-item is level-funded at $158,000 from FY 07 in both the House and Senate budgets. The program needs additional funds to expand their intake beds from 5 to 7. This additional appropriation will allow them to help more victims of domestic violence.


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