On Thursday the anti-gay marriage amendment was finally defeated. 109 brave lawmakers voted to recess until January 2nd, smashing any chance of the amendment passing.
These legislators did the right thing on Thursday. Now they are facing the heat from the anti-gay opposition. Many of the legislators I have talked to said that they are being flooded with anti-gay callers yelling at them for their vote.
The anti-gay organization, VoteOnMarriage, has issued a WEB ALERT encouraging members to call legislators. They blast the lawmakers for their vote, calling them cowards, and then provide a link to make it easy for people to contact their representatives.
We need to call the legislators that stood up for civil rights and thank them. What a shame it
will be if they hear more from the anti-gay people yelling at them than the fair-minded people thanking them.
Call and email these courageous legislators today. They took a stand and deserve to be thanked for their actions. Please let them know that you appreciate their vote.
This is the WEB ALERT that VoteOnMarriage has issued:
WEB ALERT Express your outrage over the vote to recess
One hundred and nine legislators voted yesterday to recess the Constitutional Convention without voting on the citizen-initiated Marriage Amendment. This was an outrageous and undemocratic action taken by these legislators and they must hear from you today.
The cowardly legislators recessed until January 2, 2007, the last day of the current session of the Legislature. This was done on purpose. If they had voted to adjourn the Constitutional Convention as opposed to recessing, Governor Romney would be bound by the state constitution to call them back into session until a vote was taken.
You need to call you legislators today.Your legislator voted in support of recessing the convention and you need to express your outrage at their blatant disregard for the constitution and the people's will. You need to tell them that they have betrayed the people's trust and disregarded the oath of office that they took when they were sworn in as legislators.
Use the link below to find to find a script and a phone number for their office.